Statistics Computations (cwstats)

The cwstats program is a command line tool that calculates a simple set of statistics for each variable in a data file.  For example on the Himawari-9 AHI data file, try showing the contents and then computing statistics on 1% of the data (sampling factor = 0.01):

Terminal screen showing output of cwstats statistics computed for AHI sensor data

As shown above, the tool calculates: 

  • Count  the count of total data values sampled
  • Valid — the number of valid (not missing) data values
  • Minimum — the minimum data value
  • Maximum — the maximum data value
  • Mean — the average data value (arithmetic mean)
  • Standard deviation — the standard deviation from the mean, ie: square root [1/N * ∑ (x - mean(x))
  • Median  the median data value (middle value of sorted data values)

The main use for cwstats is a quick assessment of data quality and data value range (also a rough check of equality between data files).  The statistics can be limited by:

  • Geometry — rectangle, circle, and polygon
  • Variable — match variables to an expression
  • Sampling factor — percentage or data stride

Try the following options one at a time on the same data file:


Bonus exercises:

  • Read the Unix man page or user's guide on the cwstats tool.
  • Create a text file to be used with the --polygon option that draws a polygon around only a portion of the data.  Run cwstats with your text file on one of the other example data files and see if the output makes sense.
  • You can create a --match expression for any series of variables using the format: '(var1|var2|var3 ... )'.  Run cwstats for just the sst and cloud variables in the AHI data file using this expression format.