Sampling Locations (cwsample)
It's often necessary to compare data from a satellite sensor to data from in-situ measurements. The cwsample tool helps performs this function by taking as input a geographic (latitude, longitude) point or set of points and extracting the data values found at those points in the file.
Taking a look at the VIIRS chlorophyll data file
in the Gulf of Mexico, suppose that there are six stations with in-situ sample data as shown here:
The cwsample tool can extract data at these stations with the following command:
cwsample --samples gom_stations.txt gom_samples.txt
The gom_stations.txt
file contains the input station locations as lines of latitude / longitude values:
28 -96
29 -93
29.5 -86
28.5 -83
26 -82.5
24 -97
The gom_samples.txt
file contains the output sample values and locations:
28 -96 0.3442
29 -93 1.0987
29.5 -86 0.2949
28.5 -83 1.9696
26 -82.5 NaN
24 -97 NaN
With a few more options to cwsample, the output rows can be imported into a spreadsheet with column headers and comma-separated values (CSV):
cwsample --samples gom_stations.txt --header --delimit "," gom_samples.txt
This command produces to following output file:
Bonus exercises:
- Read the cwsample Unix man page or user's guide section.
- Add an option to the cwsample command line to mark the invalid samples (marked with NaN to indicate no data) as -999 instead.
- Add an option to also output the image (row, column) coordinates.
- Run the same cwsample command line, but on the
data file instead. See how the output is different — notice how many columns there are now.